Travel green to reduce your carbon footprint.
What is ecological journey, ecotourism or eco-responsible trip ?
The sunny days are approaching, we are already thinking about vacations. The perfect time to talk about sustainable tourism!
Like many fields such as fashion, like our brand of eco-responsible sneakers opposite of the fast fashion, tourism can be considered in an ecological way. We then speak of ecotourism.
Eco-friendly travel involves travel with an eye on the environment. If its primary interest is to reduce the impact on ecosystems, eco-responsible travel can also be an opportunity to carry out activities linked to the preservation of nature and living species.
What are the environmentally friendly means of transport? Which eco-friendly destinations should we favor? Which tourist activities are in line with the concept of ecological travel?
Seasonal basketball at your feet, the COG team invites you to explore ecological tourism from top to bottom, in all its forms.
What are the eco-friendly destinations to visit?
As we will see later, transportation represents a significant part of the ecological footprint of a trip. Considering this, choosing a nearby or not-so-distant destination is a determining factor for make your trip an “eco-logical” stay.
Under this consideration, France offers the advantage of presenting an incomparable variety of landscapesWhether you like the mountains, the ocean, picturesque villages, or prefer the rich heritage of large cities, everyone can find what they are looking for here.
THE border countries such as Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Spain and Italy are full of authentic places, where nature and heritage splendors are just waiting to be visited.
Portugal, a land of welcome and model making of your brand of vegan shoes favorite, and a sumptuous country, combining sun, artisanal, cultural and gastronomic riches, within reach of discovery.
Three key words to fully enjoy your stay while remaining in accordance with an eco-virtuous ethic that respects nature: curiosity, contemplation and preservation.

Other countries close to France, not only exotic, but also exemplary in terms of ecological initiatives, the Netherlands and Denmark are renowned for their bike-friendly culture, and their efforts to reduce carbon emissions. Enough to open your mind to new practices while having fun. In the same way, Norway offers breathtaking landscapes, and promotes environmentally friendly practices.
Do you want to visit the world beyond Europe and in a way other than through documentaries, or do you not yet feel ready to stop flying? Why not direct your trip to a natural destination, involved in an approach of sustainable tourism ? This is the case, for example, of Costa Rica, a destination renowned for its national parks, its biodiversity and its ecotourism.
On the African continent, Uganda, Mauritius, Rwanda, Botswana and the now famous Kenya offer travellers the opportunity to discover exceptional natural environments, while contributing - humanly and financially - to their preservation, through programmes of solidarity and eco-responsible tourism.
Finally, another way to travel while avoiding the temptation of shopping tourism - not very in line with a model of sobriety - destinations like Nepal, Iceland and many other countries open to the practice of trekking type excursions, offer you the possibility of get a change of scenery while reconnecting with nature.
How to reduce my carbon footprint during my trips ?
Traveling in an environmentally responsible way involves organizing your stay to control your environmental footprint. Let's see here some tips for eco-travelers budding that we are:
Prioritize ecological transport such as the train, carpooling, and public transport for your long journeys. Cycling and walking are perfect for shorter journeys, and reduce your ecological impact.
Opt for environmentally friendly accommodation, Who promote recycling.
Choose activities that produce less emissions and pollute less, such as walking, cycling, hiking or any other non-motorized sporting activity.
Eat in small businesses and restaurants, offering seasonal products, local and potentially vegetarians or vegans. Find our article here “Vegan from plate to toe”.
Reduce your plastic consumption by using reusable and/or recycled items. Minimize waste by adopting anti-waste consumption habits.
Avoid the systematic purchase of gifts and souvenirs, to prefer the story of the trip when reuniting with loved ones. If necessary, ensure the origin, composition and method of manufacture of the gifts, giving priority to natural products and ethics.
Finally, controlling your tendency to immortalize and share every moment of your trip in photos and videos on social media allows you to reduce your digital carbon footprint and the pollution that this causes.

What are the most ecological means of transport for traveling ?
The joy of packing your bag and heading off on an adventure! While a trip always begins with its departure route, there are several transportation options available to us; but not all of them are ecologically equal. Let's take a look together.
The train is certainly the ecological high-speed transport solution par excellence regarding land travel. It significantly reduces CO2 emissions compared to cars or planes. It is considered to be more than 50 times less emissive!
Champion of road sharing, the coach is not only less polluting than a car (compared to the number of passengers using it at full capacity), but it is also less expensive, and will save you the fatigue of driving.
Another interesting alternative for short distances, the carpooling reduces the number of cars on the road, and therefore greenhouse gas emissions linked to the vehicle fleet in circulation. The opportunity to share a journey with travelers from all walks of life.
In the city as in the great outdoors, the bike is not only environmentally friendly, but also perfectly suited to urban journeys due to its all-purpose nature. More suitable for short journeys, it helps to relieve congestion on the roads and improve the air quality in cities. In addition, it is good for keeping you in shape! What if your next vacation was a bike ride! Up for it?
The ultimate ecological means of transport, and even more so a pair of eco-friendly sneakers at the feet, the walk ! You don't need to be an experienced hiker to set off to discover the world, and it's also the perfect opportunity to travel light.
Between a sailboat and an all-inclusive cruise ship, the environmental bill is certainly not the same! If Ferry travel is considered to be 3 times less CO2 emitting than flying, getting informed before choosing the boat to travel remains the best advice to follow. But if well thought out, this solution can prove not only an ecological solution, but also a unique travel experience.
Although not the most environmentally friendly means of transport, the plane remains the fastest solution for long-distance and intercontinental travel. Beware of advertisements promoting the merits of carbon offsets ; they can represent a sales argument with an eco-virtuous connotation, more than real ecologically responsible solutions. Finding out about airlines before booking your flight is a responsible first step.

How to choose environmentally friendly accommodation?
Finding eco-friendly accommodation is not easy. Here are some criteria to consider to make it easier to book your eco-friendly pied-à-terre for your getaway.
Search for certified establishments - example: LEED or Green Key certification - helps ensure compliance with water and energy management standards.
Like any business, COG has its values and its philosophy clean. The same goes for hosts offering accommodation services. Also, finding out about the eco-responsible positioning of the accommodation before booking is very important in the context of an ecological trip. Internal recycling policy, use of recycled and organic products, initiatives for reduce water and energy consumption, type of food offered in the case of establishments offering on-site catering service; each point must be taken into account.
Favor places of residence that place importance on the preservation of local biodiversity, for example through reforestation programs, the maintenance of organic gardens, but also by working with local stakeholders and suppliers.
Check out traveler reviews to gauge green commitment. Many sites offer filters to find green accommodations and simplify your search.
What tourism activities are eco-responsible ?
If traveling ecologically involves choosing activities that respect the environment and local ecosystems, Travel must also remain synonymous with pleasure, relaxation and discovery.
There are as many types of activities as there are different affinities, so much so that listing them would require an article in its own right. Some people like explore nature, others prefer the visits to monuments or even festivals, when for some, nothing beats shopping.
Whatever our affinities, they do not exempt us from modulating them to ensure that they are in line with an eco-responsible approach.
This can be achieved through sober and ethical consumption, by taking the time to rediscover certain natural beauties, or by using your vacation to support a charitable cause, such as helping to reforest an ecosystem, to maintain a animal sanctuary, or any other form of task to contribute to the preservation of nature such as cleaning marine areas.
Did you know? The interior coating of our Topsy and a good part of our vegan sneakers consists of recycled plastics recovered from the Mediterranean Sea.

How to minimize waste during my travels ?

Reducing waste while traveling is a challenge in itself, but there are a few simple adjustments you can make to reduce your environmental impact and pollution. Here are some tips:
Bring reusable items like a water bottle, a coffee cup, or even bamboo cutlery allows you toavoid plastic waste.
Choosing sustainable packaging for toiletries and favoring natural products such as solid shampoos helps reduce packaging.
Similarly, we avoid disposable products, and we can use cloth napkins and reusable bags to reduce sources of plastic pollution.
Choosing sustainable accommodations that offer recycling and composting options reduces food waste.
Finally, control your consumption of sanitary kits and other welcome gifts distributed in the various places of accommodation, visits and catering where we pass, participates in the reduction of consumer goods and the ecological nuisances that they can represent.
Thank you for reading! See you soon for future topics in line with our responsible and sustainable approach.