An Eden for animals

Eager to support those who help animals every day, our brand has been associated with the Refuge de L’Arche de Noé since its launch ❤️

Our team has chosen to support this wonderful association within our means, for the ideology it defends which is in line with the values ​​of our brand : protecting and supporting living things, without distinction of species.

Thus, l'Arche collects, cares for, then places all types of animals that have suffered from mistreatment or have been victims of abandonment.


Located in Ernolsheim Bruche in Alsace, the shelter was founded in 2004 by Hugues Lentz, who has since been joined by several volunteers who lend him a hand in looking after the residents.

Originally created mainly to accommodate livestock, the shelter welcomes no less than 100 animals throughout the year, from all walks of life: cows, pigeons, cats, goats, geese, pigs, horses, ducks, donkeys, emus and even llamas!

During their stay, animals able to leave the shelter receive the care necessary for their well-being at the shelter, until they are fit enough to join their adopting family. Animals suffering from too fragile health to leave the shelter remain with the team, like a sanctuary.


How many volunteers support the shelter on a daily basis?

"In order to provide care to the residents, feed them and clean their living space, 4 people volunteer their time at the Arche twice a week. In winter, several groups of disabled people also help them get occupy the place."

How many animals live at the shelter?

“Their number varies from one week to the next depending on arrivals and adoptions, but on average there are no less than a hundred protected people present in the sanctuary.”

What are the needs of the shelter?

"Forks, brooms, rakes, shovels, wheelbarrows, hay racks, buckets, brush cutters, the material needs are numerous! But the donations mainly help us to care for our residents (animal transport, medicines, castration, deworming, anti- flies, etc.). Each donation is a huge support for our team and especially for our children who need daily care."

How does the municipality support the shelter?

"The municipality lends us a room free of charge for the Christmas party each year, and provides land for the animals, for eco-grazing. For food, the vegetable factory in Breuschwickersheim (aptly named the village Alsatian!) gives us its peelings and unsold produce twice a week to help feed the animals."

- The shelter team


As for humans, animal food represents a significant budget to assume. The same goes for the straw necessary for the maintenance of the boxes, and the veterinary care provided.

The financial assistance provided by the share of profits donated from the sale of our shoes is only a small glimmer among the myriad of stars supporting the association. Thus L'Arche collects its finances both from host families, from the members who support it, and from the municipality, which helps to cover the association's expenses.

If you would like to help the shelter, here is a list of possible actions to support them:

Become a host family for one of the residents :

Noah's Ark is constantly looking for new families with the desire and ability to adopt one or more animals.

If you think you can welcome an animal among the residents of l'Arche, do not hesitate to contact the association to obtain more information and submit your adoption application.

Offer your time and become a volunteer within the association :

If you would like to participate on an occasional or regular basis in the maintenance of the residents' boxes and enclosures, you are welcome to join the shelter team. Volunteers meet there every Wednesday afternoon and Saturday morning to provide care to the residents.

Be careful, a good dose of energy, a good pair of boots or an old pair of COGs - stealth product placement 😉 - are necessary.

Sponsor an animal or make a one-off donation :

Do you want to help but you have neither structures nor availability to lend a hand to the shelter teams? You also have the option of sponsoring an animal to contribute, according to your means, to the cost of its care.

Any donation is of inestimable value to the shelter.

Follow Noah’s Ark on Instagram: @refugenoe67120

Follow Noah’s Ark on Facebook: @refuge.noe