Découvrez les éco-festivals vegans et solidaires en France.

With the return of summer and sunny days, it's an opportunity to get back outside to meet our loved ones around a fresh fruit juice and some fun time in the open air .

After many months of staying at home, we almost forgot the big outdoor summer events.

Unmissable meetings for aficionados of sound gatherings , the festivals bring together more than 7 million people around the world each year, around themes such as music, fashion, or even History.

Not spared by the health crisis in 2020 and the vast majority canceled, organizers and festival-goers hope to recover this year and return in force to the front of the stage (no pun intended)!

Among them, the return of ethical festivals - also called eco festivals - the number of which has been constantly growing in Europe for a decade.

So, neither one nor two, we'll let you take out your sunscreen, tents and earplugs from the drawers, and we'll take you on a quick overview of the ethical festivals to discover or rediscover this summer.

Focus on the issues of a festival:

Polluting transport:

7 million festival-goers, that’s a lot of trips!

Garbage sorting :

this type of event generates on average 80 to 90 tonnes of waste in a few days.

Electric energy:

An average concert in a stadium in Europe emits on average 25 tonnes of CO².

Mais un éco festival, qu'est-ce-que c'est ?

La musique et l'échange pour sensibiliser à l'écologie tu adopteras.

Like any festival organized around a stage on which concerts follow one another, the eco festival is also an opportunity to bring people together around artists and speakers committed to the defense of ethical and solidarity causes. . The site is thus set up with stands on which associations, volunteers and speakers come to express themselves, exchange and interact with the public around environmental, humanitarian, social, anti-speciesist themes , etc.

The speakers share tips and give workshops to better understand issues such as the fight against food waste , permaculture, urban agriculture, zero waste , the fight against excess plastic packaging , eco-citizenship , and many others. Festival-goers can, for example, take part in introductions to cooking and thus rethink their way of eating, thanks to advice for a healthier and eco-responsible diet; how to find short-circuit, local and organic foods, or look for AMAPs and regional players.

Transport is the source of more than 70% of the carbon emissions emitted as part of a festival (material supplies, food supply and human travel, staff and visitors combined), which constitutes a considerable source of pollution.

To limit greenhouse gas emissions , eco-festival organizers invite visitors to use public transport to reach and leave the festival. Failing this, the public coming from far away is advised to fall back on eco-mobility solutions , such as the train or carpooling. Everything is done to make participants responsible for considering the need for effort to reduce their carbon footprint.

On site, green means of transport are favored, and bicycles are made available to visitors at advantageous rates.

Eco festivals like WeAreGreen , Lands of Sound or the Lyon ecofestival Woodstower . have also set up relay shuttle systems to facilitate access to their site for festival-goers.

D'une empreinte environnementale réduite, les transports tu emprunteras.

Les transports seraient à l’origine de plus de 70 % des émissions de carbone émises dans le cadre d’un festival (fournitures matérielles, approvisionnement des denrées alimentaires et déplacements humain personnel et visiteurs confondus) ce qui constitue un foyer de pollution considérable.

Pour limiter les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, les organisateur,trice,s des éco-festivals invitent les visiteurs à emprunter les transports en commun pour rejoindre et quitter le festival. A défaut, est conseillé au public venant de loin de se rabattre sur des solutions d’éco-mobilité, telle que le train ou le covoiturage. Tout est fait pour responsabiliser les participant.e.s à la considération de la nécessité de l’effort pour réduire leur empreinte carbone.

Sur place sont privilégiés les moyens de locomotions verts, et mis à la disposition des visiteurs des vélos à tarif avantageux.

Des éco festivals comme WeAreGreen, Terres du Son ou encore l’écofestival lyonnais Woodstower. ont aussi mis en place des systèmes de navettes relais pour faciliter l’accès à leur site aux festivaliers.

On the use of renewable energies, your festival you will build.

To meet the electricity needs of the festival (stage and aisle lighting, power supply for instruments and sound systems, stands, refrigerators and hotplates, etc.), ENR solutions, in particular solar panels, are installed on the site. , the idea being to be as energetically independent as possible, but also to avoid overconsumption of energy by using suitable devices, and by inviting stand staff to monitor their own electricity consumption.

Who says festival, says good musical programming, but also a well-deserved picnic after a long hesitation faced with a multitude of stands with dishes each more tempting than the last.

Here, we are served, since if the main objective of an eco-festival is to raise public awareness of an eco-responsible approach to living, offering tasty, healthy, but also eco-virtuous food is a foundation.

On site, the organizers of the We Love Green festival or Cabaret Vert, for example, highlights a menu prepared by local cooks and suppliers, and as much as possible promoting local, organic products grown with respect for the environment.

A whole variety of dishes are offered, all the more tasty because they are made up of unusual recipes. The opportunity to rediscover forgotten flavors , dishes from elsewhere, and to try new textures like recipes reproducing products usually made from animal origin: imitation meat, cheeses made from vegetable (often called faux-mages), desserts and pastries without eggs or milk.

There are also 100% plant- based dishes on offer with completely new inspiration to reduce the environmental impact of our diet.

Some eco-festivals, like the Smmmile Festival , were also built on the idea of ​​introducing the public to a vegan lifestyle by only offering vegan products, in order to raise awareness of the ecological issue, but also that of animal welfare.

From the food offered on the stands to the consumer products on display, the menu is exclusively vegan and cruelty free .

By going there you can discover books on the vegan lifestyle, its particularities, the origins of veganism, but also vegan cosmetic products, ethical fashion items and vegan clothing , and why not one day, vegan shoes of your favorite brand ;)

Certains éco-festivals, à l’image du Smmmile Festival, se sont d’ailleurs construits sur l’idée d’initier le public à un mode de vie vegan en ne proposant que des produits vegan, afin de sensibiliser à la question écologique, mais aussi à celle du bien-être animal.

Depuis la nourriture proposée sur les stands aux produits de consommation exposés, la carte est exclusivement vegan et cruelty free.

En vous y rendant vous pourrez y découvrir des ouvrages sur le mode de vie vegan, ses particularités, les origines du véganisme, mais aussi des produits cosmétiques vegan, des articles de mode éthique et vêtements veganet pourquoi pas un jour, les chaussures vegan de votre marque préférée ;)

Recycling, the end of your festival will be.

Of course the major challenge of an eco festival lies in leaving behind a minimal ecological footprint. To do this, we build the stage and organize the site so as not to weaken the environment once the event is over.

Before the festival, a communication campaign to raise public awareness of sorting and the need to moderate consumption - particularly of paper - was set up.

Festival-goers are invited to switch to electronic ticketing , and we are reducing the number of flyers printed for the event. During the festival, raw materials are reused for the construction of structures. Example: use of straw bales to mark out the aisles and used wooden planks to make the stand tables.

We are also working to use recycled materials to package consumable foods and we are making sure to sell products without excess packaging. Plastic materials such as bottles and cutlery sold to festival-goers are replaced by water fountains, returnable tableware , biodegradable and compostable plates and napkins made from recycled paper and cardboard. Finally, a whole waste sorting system has been set up on site thanks to the installation of collection bins and staff are present to remind visitors of the importance of sorting their waste.

Want to participate?

Having taken place for the first time in 2011 , this musical event attracts more than 75,000 festival-goers each year for an immersive eco-friendly weekend! Although already powered 100% by renewable energies, the festival lists many other ethical actions!

Its strong point : waste and plastic management!

• We Love Green is equipped with around a hundred water fountains to allow festival-goers to hydrate for free, without having to use plastic bottles.

A green brigade raises public awareness about sorting and collects trash.

• All tableware is returnable , reusable , and compostable .

A collection of waste and cigarette butts is organized following the festival, so that they can be recycled afterwards. Moreover, in 2019, no less than 81% of the festival's waste could be recycled, as well as 15,500 cigarette butts!

• Speaking of recycling, We love green also makes compost from waste from the festival's dry toilets.

Their next goal? Become 100% circular by 2025, by signing the charter Drastic on Plastic !

Located in Indre et Loire, this eco-festival offers an idyllic setting for nature lovers. While many activities are implemented with respect for the environment, and to limit pollution, other actions are put in place to raise public awareness of "living together" .

Concretely, what does that mean?

• Facilities are put in place to allow privileged access for people with reduced mobility.

Special rates are offered to the latter.

The stage as well as the various stands of the festival are set up by social structures , as well as young students training in the construction industry.

Concerts, conferences, documentation, this Parisian eco-event offers different means to raise public awareness of the environmental cause.

Gourmet zoom on the “cuisine” theme around which the festival is structured:

• Tip from the COG team: we arrive at the Smmmile festival on an empty stomach!

You will find on site a farandole of small vegan dishes and snacks to discover or introduce you to the richness and variety of plant-based food.

• You will also be able to participate in numerous culinary workshops , to be able to easily reproduce your (future) favorite vegan recipes !

Curious, or lacking inspiration for your veggie recipes: the Smmmile festival is the place for you!

And on a global scale, what does that look like?

From Splendor in the Grass in Australia, via the Boom Festival in Portugal (rescheduled for 2022), or even the DGTL , there is no shortage of ethical gatherings and they are organized all over the world

Among the many themes involved, we are convinced that you will find the eco-festival of your dreams!

So tell us which one you dream of participating in!

Festivals, trade fairs, specialized markets, there is no shortage of opportunities to discover consumption alternatives more in tune with nature , while having a pleasant time.
A single watchword, have fun, and live the eco-responsible adventure as a curiosity, not a constraint.
Thank you for reading and sharing.


The COG team

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