Protection des océans, comment sauvegarder la planète ?

The oceans have always fascinated us, majestic, secret and populated by numerous animals (not all of which we yet know!), yet they remain a mystery to human beings who have explored less than 10% of them. Representing nearly 70% of the Earth's surface, the seas and oceans are now one of the major climate issues of our time , a priority in our commitment to preserving nature.

Here are some of the main issues facing marine spaces:

Between the spills of chemicals by industries and the mountains of plastics (and micro plastics) which accumulate and which alone create a new continent, the marine environment is dying.

As a result of this pollution and its contamination, many aquatic species are also losing their lives - not forgetting the birds which usually feed on fish, but which now confuse the plastic that floats on the surface with their food -.

Commercial or illegal, overfishing depletes the marine population because it exceeds their reproductive capacity and leads to the disappearance of certain species. It also greatly threatens ecosystems since it breaks the food chain of individuals by reducing the population of certain fish and increasing that of their predators. The natural balance is then greatly disturbed.

Another problem arising from this activity is the implementation of fishing techniques such as purse seine fishing or bottom trawlers which non-selectively capture fish and damage coral reefs and the seabed, habitat of many underwater species. This method is widely criticized by fishermen in coastal areas who note its terrible damage.

In many regions, coastal development is carried out without taking into account the consequences on marine ecosystems. The construction of ports, hotels, residential complexes and tourist infrastructure along the coasts leads to the destruction of natural coastal habitats. Excessive urbanization leads to the fragmentation of ecosystems , increased pollution of coastal waters due to waste and sewage produced by human activities, and decreases the availability of breeding and feeding areas for species.

La mode au service de la protection des océans

According to the Ecobnb website, over the last twenty years, cruise ships have been on the rise. These immense floating cities with thousands of cabins, swimming pools, casinos and nightclubs transport 20 million passengers around the world every year and pollute like 14,000 cars.

Indeed, in addition to having a considerable impact on carbon production (17% of total nitrogen oxide emissions and representing more than ¼ of total nitrogen oxide emissions in port cities and coastal areas), these Boats produce a lot of waste (drinks, leftover food, wastewater, etc.) which are thrown into the sea and destroy coral reefs. Faced with such an impact, train travel, whose CO2 emissions would be 1000 times lower, seems to be a much more ecological alternative.


As said earlier, intensive fishing is one of the main threats to marine biodiversity and endangers many fish species. According to an article on the Géo site, around 90 million tonnes of fish, crustaceans and molluscs are fished each year. Species such as salmon, sea bream, sea bass, trout and turbot are particularly affected.

This has disastrous consequences on marine ecosystems, with risks of oil spills and heavy pollution generated by fishing boats.

Stopping the consumption of fish and seafood is the best way to preserve marine fauna and the individuals who live there. If we choose to start by reducing our consumption, we can turn to certified sustainable fishing products such as the ASC and MSC labels, which ensure the traceability of farms and wild fishing in conditions that respect animal welfare. .

These solutions can allow marine biodiversity to rebuild and guarantee its survival for future generations.

Although more and more brands are committed to offering environmentally friendly skincare products (such as La Canopée and Cattier , certified vegan and cruelty-free to take care of your skin without harming animal life or to nature), certain problems remain and continue to pollute the seas and oceans - among others - in many ways.

Cleaning products, exfoliants, toothpastes and makeup, all these types of cosmetic and hygiene care contain microplastics which are particles smaller than 5 millimeters. The latter, once rinsed in the sewers, are released into the oceans, disrupting marine ecosystems. The components of beauty products are also harmful to various waterways and seas: parabens, phthalates, chemical UV filters such as oxybenzone and octinoxate (present in sun creams), they have a very large impact on biodiversity. marine environment and degrade coral reefs.

Also, let's not forget that these products are contained in tubes, bottles, jars, etc. These, like most plastic packaging and waste, harm marine wildlife.

Réduire son impact carbone pour protéger les océans.

Voyager de façon éco responsable, et participer à réduire le nombre de véhicules motorisés en circulation en empruntant les transports en commun, le covoiturage, ou mieux, la marche et le vélo, permet de faire baisser l’empreinte carbone liée aux combustibles fossiles, ce qui réduit l’acidification des mers et des océans du globe.

Privilégier une alimentation végétale plutôt que carnée, et consommer moins d’animaux issus de l’élevage et de la pêche intensive, réduire la pollution et les émissions qu’ils génèrent, tout en protégeant les individus et espèces marines.

L’objet qui ne pollue pas, c’est celui qui n’est ni acheté, ni produit

Limiter sa consommation, c’est réduire les émissions de carbone liées à leur production, et éviter à ceux qui sont produits de finir à l’eau quand ils ne sont plus utiles. C’est encore plus vrai pour ce qui concerne les objets plastiques à usage unique si l’on souhaite éviter des catastrophes environnementales telles que le dit “septième continent” qui recouvre la superficie d’un tiers du continent européen.

Enfin, évoquer à son entourage les enjeux environnementaux liés à la protection océanique restera toujours le meilleur moyen de faire avancer cette cause et de sensibiliser l’opinion à la fragilité, et à la nécessité de préserver ces écosystèmes.

Ocean protection has become a major issue that we should all address because it concerns us all. Whether it is about preserving the seabed and marine populations, protecting coastal areas and its inhabitants, or even on a larger scale human and animal life as a whole, we can all adopt simple actions and develop new new habits in terms of consumption, leisure and travel in order to refocus on the essential: respecting our environment in the hope of being able to live there again in harmony with those around us.