Animal protection, 7 ways to act for animal welfare.

At the house of COG, we do not offer vegan shoes by chance; if there is a subject that is close to our hearts, since it is at the origin of the creation of our brand of recycled vegan sneakers, it is the consideration given to living beings, and the animal welfare defense.

We're crazy about our little friends, and we're not the only ones, because over the last decade, beyond the videos of "pet lovers" that flood the web, the issue of animal welfare has become a central subject in public opinion, and we're not going to complain about it.

According to a survey carried out by the IFOP institute in August 2020 for the Brigitte Bardot Foundation, more than 70% of those surveyed would be in favor of new measures being adopted to improve their well-being in general.

Adopt a companion from a shelter, help injured animals, reduce your consumption of animal products, create a brand of vegan sneakers or even support an association committed to fighting animal abuse ; there are many ways to express your support for the animal cause.

If animal protection motivates you but you haven't yet found the way that best suits you to help them, we share with you a list of 7 ways to reach out to our feathered and furry friends.

1 - Learn about animal exploitation and animal protection.

Generally, the more you know a person, the more attentive you are to their well-being.

Let us start from this observation to get to know our animal friends better, in order to better appreciate that contrary to the reductive sense of the term, animals are far from being hollow and uninteresting, and that animals deserve to be treated as well as humans.

For this, many publications, books or magazines are now available to us to learn more about animal species and appreciate more finely the richness of the animal world.

Our list of books on animal protection.

Below is a selection of some readings for adults and children dealing with the question of considering animals as sentient beings, and the kindness to be shown to living species.

Adult books:

  • Animal Liberation, by Peter Singer
  • Advocacy for animals, by Matthieu Ricard
  • Zoopolis: A Political Theory of Animal Rights, by Sue Donaldson and Will Kymlicka

Children's books:

  • Panic at the zoo, by Gérard Moncomble and Frédéric Pillot.
  • The Big Book of Animals, by Ole Könnecke.
  • The Frogs' Prophecy, by Jacques-Rémy Girerd.

Our list of films and documentaries related to the animal cause.

If you prefer films, animal documentaries, or docu-fictions to books, we invite you to discover the following few productions, which both denounce certain human practices that oppose animal welfare, and raise the fundamental questions of the importance of preserving wildlife, the complexity of social relationships within animal species, or the protective measures to be adopted to protect marine ecosystems and marine species.

  • Animal (2021) by Cyril Dion
  • Our planet (2019) by Alastair Fothergill and Keith Scholey
  • Cowspiracy (2014) by Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn
  • Seaspiracy (2021) by Ali Tabrizi
  • The Cove: Bay of Shame (2009) by Louie Psihoyos
  • Racing Extinction (2015) by Louie Psihoyos
  • Okja (2017) by Bong Joon-ho
  • The Ivory Game (2016) by Kief Davidson and Richard Ladkani
  • Earthlings (2005) by Shaun Monson
  • Blackfish (2013) by Gabriela Cowperthwaite
  • Earthlings (2005) by Shaun Monson

* Please note that these works address difficult themes and may highlight scenes that are difficult to bear, reflecting a cruel reality.

2 - Adopt a pet from a shelter.

For a variety of reasons, including removing a species from the wild, sterilization, and the meat-based diet required by many domestic species, there are mixed opinions among animal advocates about whether domestication is compatible with animal welfare.

However, most people agree that adopting from a shelter is preferable to buying from a pet store or breeder for those who want to bring a pet into their life.

In fact, the litters of puppies, kittens, or other species sold in this type of business are generally the result of programmed matings imposed on mothers who are forced to have a series of births.

In addition to the exploitation inherent in this type of breeding, these practices harm the health of the surrogate females. In addition, this method feeds a trade that does not guarantee that newborns will find a family to welcome them. This means that less sought-after individuals or breeds risk spending their lives in shelters, and ending up euthanized if they are never taken in.

Also, adoption from a shelter such as the SPA will not only prevent animals from this kind of dark fate, but it is also a nice way to offer a second chance and a better living environment to an abandoned animal.

In addition, this solution has the merit of helping the chosen animal shelter, by relieving it of one of its residents, knowing that due to the many abandonments, shelters are very often overloaded and struggle to provide all the care necessary for the well-being of the animals taken in.

3 - Support the animal cause by giving of yourself.

While a pet is a source of incomparable joy, adopting also imposes real responsibilities that involve thinking carefully about your decision before taking the step of adoption.

Indeed, a pet requires patience, sufficient living space, a maintenance budget, and time to devote to it.

In fact, if adopting an animal is not possible for you or does not tempt you, you also have the possibility of sponsoring an animal from a shelter or sanctuary.

The donation will help support the financial effort needed for the animal's well-being, and will cover part of the costs related to its food, the maintenance of its habitat, and its veterinary care.

Donations of items needed for the care and entertainment of animals are also generally welcome. Blankets, toys and kibble help improve the quality of life of the residents and make the work of the care staff easier.

Finally, shelters and sanctuaries often lack volunteer staff to help with the many tasks they have to accomplish. If you have time, energy, and love to spare for the residents, do not hesitate to submit your profile!

For more information or to contact the shelters, please consult the following sites:

The problem is not that animals do not have a voice to make themselves heard, but that too often humans do not seek to listen to their needs in order to understand them..”


4 - Prioritize visiting nature reserves over zoos.

“Turning like a caged lion”. If the expression is as old as the world, it expresses in a very telling way the reality of the ordeal experienced by animals in captivity. Many zoos, animal parks, aquatic centers and traveling circuses continue to stage animals, who in addition to being deprived of their freedom, undergo a grueling routine between training phases, repeated exhibitions, and confinement.

Also, favoring visits to natural sites, which do not feature animals under duress, avoids feeding this type of business, and protects the animals imprisoned in this type of attraction from physical and psychological mistreatment.

Unlike a cage, nature reserves extend over vast open-air territories, offering endemic species all the space they need to live with their peers, far from human interference.

Preferable for the well-being and protection of animals, visiting these spaces is also an opportunity to marvel at the beauty of animal life in the wild, observing them flourish in complete freedom from a distance.

What is more, the visits have the merit of helping to finance the preservation of natural spaces.

Eco-circuses such as the famous Cirque du Soleil or the Éco-cirque Bouglione have chosen to put aside acts featuring animals in favor of those by circus artists, to offer magnificent shows, without animal abuse.

5 - Reduce your consumption of foods of animal origin in favor of a plant-based diet.

A sad but very real figure: in France, 500 animals are slaughtered every second for their meat, and 80% of the meat consumed comes from industrial farms.

If the basis of our diet depends mainly on our tastes, trying a plant-based diet (vegetarian, vegan, etc.) more or less occasionally, and limiting our consumption of meat and fish, represents a small effort, which directly contributes to reducing animal abuse linked to breeding, and animal suffering linked to slaughter.

What's more, adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet helps reduce your carbon footprint by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and various sources of pollution attributable to livestock farming. In addition to their benefits for animal welfare and for the environment, these diets have a beneficial effect on health, since they are generally less caloric than meat diets.

To approach plant-based cooking in a fun and relaxed way, many books give pride of place to recipes and desserts vegetarians and vegans.

Among the books to discover vegetarian or vegan cuisine:

  • Vegetarian cooking for everyone, by Jean-Montée Albert
  • Vegan, by Marie Laforêt
  • My little vegetarian kitchen, by Alice Hart

6 - Prefer to buy vegan fashion items.

Heading towards vegan articles (vegan fashion, vegan cosmetics, etc.) by paying attention to their composition and avoiding products containing materials of animal origin, or those tested on animals, allows you to indulge yourself while giving your voice to a mode of consumption excluding animal exploitation, and by supporting committed brands.

Just like a growing number of vegan brands, having chosen to respect animals in their manufacturing charter, COG is proud to only market vegan shoes and some vegan sneakers without materials of animal origin (no leather, no animal glue, no suffering in our country). All our products are in fact composed of vegan leathers, of recycled materials, as well as European plant materials from plant waste, such as grape leather that we use in the manufacture of our vegan sneakers Topsy, Wallace, or even our women's ankle boots Laika And Richelieu Aiko.

Also, our brand is certified PETA APPROVED VEGAN, and we are happy to also be committed to animal welfare by donating a portion of our profits to activist associations such as the Futur association, Elephant Haven, Or Noah's Ark Shelter.

But ethical fashion is not limited to animal leather free sneakers, and today, many players are positioning themselves in many sectors, to market cruelty-free items. Vegan clothing, belts, bags and vegan accessories; it is now possible to dress from head to toe, while considering animal life, the planet, without of course neglecting the respect due to the people making vegan fashion items.

With the same desire, many brands of cosmetics and other health products have also emerged to take care of oneself without animal exploitation.

Finding out about the labels obtained by brands helps ensure that the products sold are made in compliance with animal protection standards.

7 - Talk about animal welfare around you.

Share and sign petitions:

Sign petitions to support projects that serve animal welfare, like the many petitions produced or relayed by associations such as L214, which work to offer animals - particularly laying hens - better breeding conditions.

The more petitions are seen, supported and shared, the more likely they are to result in decisions that serve their purpose.

Talking about animal protection around you:

Raising awareness among those close to you or the people around you of the importance of taking animal welfare into account is undoubtedly the best way to give resonance to the fight for better animal treatment.

This may mean sharing information about the conditions in which animals live on factory farms, reporting animal abuse to the relevant authorities so that action can be taken to protect them, or advocating for the animal cause by raising the various issues related to the question of the place of animals in our societies.

Also, the fact of making the needs that animals in distress may have heard, but also on the contrary, evoking the positive and benevolent initiatives carried out in their favor, or even evoking the little-known specificities that characterize each species, which can give people who are not educated on this subject the chance to become interested and to commit themselves to defending animal welfare.

Everyone therefore has their own way of discussing these themes according to their affinities and the opportunities given to us to do so, always of course with patience and kindness.

Campaigning within associations:

Taking part in demonstrations or peaceful actions alongside community groups allows people who want to get involved in a more committed form of activism to surround themselves with people, in order to carry out larger-scale projects, and to be better advised and supported to succeed in carrying them out.

Support a political party that defends animal rights:

Just as politics has the role of organizing the exercise of power in a society in the interest of its citizens, it has the duty to defend the rights of animals as individuals and sentient beings in their own right.

Also, supporting or joining a political party with a particular affinity with animal defense remains a way of making their voice heard, and of hoping for a better esteem of their status as sentient beings.

Ready to help animals?

That's all there is to it, now it's up to you to play and see what type of actions suit you best to take in favor of animal protection.

Thank you for reading this article to the end, on this topic that is so important for our team that is animal protection! Do not hesitate to share it with your loved ones, as well as the approach that we convey through COG; and if you have questions on our products for women Or for men, our manufacturing ethics, or other, our team is of course here to answer you, you just need to contact us.

Also find our other articles highlighting a ethical and eco-responsible lifestyle by here.

The COG team.